Thursday, April 30, 2009

My First Visit to Therapy Hut

Today was my first visit to the Therapy Hut over in Cordova, where I went to have my I.E.P. consultation. I get really nervous going into situations where I don't know people as it is, so it was a bit nerve-wracking for me; mostly because I was going in to discuss a subject that I feel I should know way more about at this juncture of my son's life, given the fact that I have already been through several I.E.P.'s (none of which I was ever worried about being a professional "advocate" the way I am feeling the need to be since moving to Memphis!)

(Toto, we're not in Michigan any more!!)

My first I.E.P. with Memphis City Schools is tomorrow morning, and as anticipated, it is 1:34a.m. and I am wide awake, a bundle of nerves, worried that my notes are not in order, that I am going to say all the wrong things, miss something important, and inevitably sit there with a knot in my throat the size of a softball the entire time, fighting back the urge to burst into tears at any given moment. (I know this, as it happens every time without fail...the urge, not the actual bursting...)

So getting back to my visit to the Therapy Hut! I felt very welcome from the moment I walked in the door. I was greeted by the familiar voice of my new friend Angela, who works at the front desk...who I recognized immediately from our lengthy phone conversation earlier last week. She made me feel very much at home as I waited for my appointment, explaining to me all the ins and outs of the Therapy Hut, and the services they offered. I then enjoyed a conversation in the waiting area with another autism mom, which took me by surprise how much I appreciated having someone to talk to who was able to relate to me instantly, on a level which no one else in my every day life can. That's because she lives my life. She has a son with autism. The comraderie I felt with her was immediate.

Lastly was the actual consultation, the purpose for my visit. It was surprising to me the way different staff members and therapists just walking in and out of my appointment room just stopped by our table to contribute their input to me, just because of overhearing our conversation about my impending I.E.P. tomorrow; I walked away from my appointment having received a wealth of information that I did not have going in, and because of these gracious and helpful people (who were clearly passionate about helping not only people with disabilities, but the people who love and care for them, like me!)

I don't feel as worried now. I feel a little bit more empowered actually, than I would had I not walked into that office today. Not only that, but I feel like I just became part of a whole new community.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

We had a beautiful morning in Arkansas today for the Autism Festival sponsored by the MidSouth Autism Association. It was sunny, and a VERY hot 85 degrees or so. I couldn't think of a more enjoyable way to spend my Saturday morning than at a place full of people coming out to promote Autism Awareness; we live with autism every day of our lives because of my son Caden, so this is a cause very near and dear to me.

It is a real treat to go out in public around other families who have children with autism, and get to have a good time with our son and not feel as though we "stand out" or to have people staring at us because of his behavior; to "blend in" in a crowd at these events is a true blessing, one that I will never again take for granted. What a great day!